Home Automation

Home automation seems complex from the idea of integrating multiple technologies, but yet simple in terms of control, it simply the epitome of luxury living. With home automation homeowner can pre-configure the smart home control unit to coordinate triggers and deliver specific events without any direct command

Green Home Technology

It is possible to plan and implement your green home alongside the smarthome architecture. Green Home helps you save energy by preventing waste, needless to say, that when properly planned you can have a sustainable property that can stay off-grid or have enough electricity to provide for financial returns or other benefits. You can also make your building eco-friendly based on the materials and other natural properties including greeneries.

AV Entertainment

For smart home, or against smart home, there is one feature in the house that is difficult to turn down, let us say after home lighting and security, the next big thing is entertainment. We know people want to be entertained with either movies or music, now scale up both with top quality resolution and immersive sound. That is simply infusing modern lifestyle into the living room and your cinema, with a lot of fun and amusement, therefore bringing family and friends closer.

Smart Lighting

Regardless of your lighting objective, no doubt you will certainly bring a different outlook, aura and ultimately energy to your apartment when it is properly lit by day light or carefully curated with modern controls and feedbacks.

Security & Surveillance

Surveillance, security and safety are intertwined, so therefore when the three factors are properly planned and integrated intelligently, you should expect an efficient and robust secured environment that will not only deter intruders but give homeowners the capability to monitor, analyze, and capture valuable data.

Residential Networking

This applies mostly to new construction, it is imperative to building designs at the early stage, it helps to capture the core multimedia framework, which is expected to act as the backbone to the modern home technology architecture, and also certifies future building requirements.